Frequently asked questions:
Does UAB "Norvetuva" have an employment tax?

UAB "Norvetuva" is not subject to employment or other types of taxes. Taxation of employment services is prohibited by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

What is Skattekort tax card for?

Skattekort is a tax scan card issued by the Norwegian Tax Administration, which is used by employers and the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV) to deduct taxes. If you do not have a card, 50% of the taxes will be deducted from your income. To visit Skatteetaten, you must register in advance and arrive at the scheduled time.

Who will arrange travel to/from Norway/Sweden?

Company, unless there is a separate agreement.

Who will provide accommodation in Norway and how much will it cost?

It all depends on the region in which you will work and what the agreement is with the client. These things are discussed during the interview.

How long can I expect to receive a job offer in your company?

It can take anywhere from a few days to a few months. Depending on customer orders.

Is it possible to go to work abroad with your own transport?

Yes, of course. Your expectations should be expressed during the interview with the manager.

What is schedule 6-3?

 Usually you work abroad for 6 weeks and after your return you will rest for 3 weeks (rest period).